Time Travel!

Moheet Samtani
4 min readFeb 13, 2022

Before we go into my proving to everyone that we all time travel every day or rather every moment of the day! I want to discuss the reason for Time Travel… As in why do we want to travel back n forth in time? In order to achieve what exactly?

I have known more number of people who are really good at time travelling into the past!! Hehe

Oh I wish I didn’t have that extra sandwich? I wish I was not so angry with that person? I should’ve called my mother? That’s traveling in to the past. Yes we all do it… second guess every decision made in the past, wondering what if… or just by re living the entire situation all over again, like watching re runs of your favorite series!

Now c’mon before you judge me and conclude I’m being silly about this, bear with me a lil while longer! We may be embarking on something interesting here

I need to plan THIS so THAT doesn’t happen or my boss is going to fire me today or something bad is going to happen…I will be judged badly if I take this decision… That’s traveling to the future! Don’t get me wrong here, thinking about future when you are attempting to plan and secure the years ahead, great… the worry that may be caused if your plan isn’t going as per plan… not great! Yes I totally get it, the thought of not knowing what lies ahead can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety, however stress won’t solve anything for you. Right? We know that!

So the question is why do we still time travel? Especially in the past… Is it because we feel we can do something better or rather could’ve done something better and by better I use both good and bad things, I mean I wanna go back in time and beat the crap out of this kid whom I was with in school, I wish I had used my right hand to punch him instead of just pushing him… hehe… or on a more serious, realistic note, I wish I had spent more time with a loved one? Does this have to do with us being sincere humans in our core being, wanting to achieve the best possible outcome in every scenario? Makes me think. Is this where my belief tells me that in my core I feel that all of us are nice people?

All time travelling does, is create a state of inner turmoil. And I’m guessing that’s the reason why no one invented a time machine… haha, but jokes apart… I mean your neck would hurt if you looked at the back all the time and if you look ahead all the time. When do you realize what is happening around you?

I could say 500 things to make myself feel better by talking about things in the future, and I could say 1000 things to make myself feel bad about things that have happened in the past, what if the choice is to do neither?! What if we have discovered what is the exact definition of achieving inner peace? Let’s hear that again shall we…I could say 500 things to make myself feel better by talking about things in the future, and I could say 1000 things to make myself feel bad about things that have happened in the past and I choose to do neither. Inner peace?

I choose to stay in the now, now is perfect, it just can’t get more beautiful than in the now! Focusing on the moment can improve our well-being, everyone is talking about mindfulness these days. Focusing on the moment can foster compassion, and help our relationships.

I loved this dialogue from the movie Troy — The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” A bit morbid for this piece as I am trying to get my version of the importance and the power of being in the now in a positive way! But the dialogue was when the character was wooing this girl he was with! It’s a line that definitely works…and since it was Brad Pitt, it had to work! Haha

To all you lovely people out there, Valentine’s Day is round the corner, it would be great if we stopped time traveling. You could do this little exercise, just take your partner’s hand, sit down in a comfortable place, look into each other’s eyes for just a min or so and then look around at what you have created together. You are in the now. If you both feel great with what you’re looking at, please enjoy the moment and look back at each other, if not then do not worry, because if you did the above exercise, you just initiated the 1st step into making things better! You know what they say and lets go back to basics: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present. Wise words from Master Oogaway from Kung Fu Panda!

